In Robbie’s latest blog post on The Times of Israel, he explores how civility can be redefined in a time of deep disagreement, drawing inspiration from Teresa Bejan's Mere Civility. The post examines the frameworks of Civil Silence, Civil Charity, and Mere Civility, and asks where your community stands when it comes to disagreements about Israel. Are you relying on silence? Holding onto fragile consensus? Or learning to engage fully in disagreement while maintaining connection?
In Robbie’s latest blog post on The Times of Israel, he explores how civility can be redefined in a time of deep disagreement, drawing inspiration from Teresa Bejan's Mere Civility. The post examines the frameworks of Civil Silence, Civil Charity, and Mere Civility, and asks where your community stands when it comes to disagreements about Israel. Are you relying on silence? Holding onto fragile consensus? Or learning to engage fully in disagreement while maintaining connection?
Are our emotions driven by external experiences, or does our internal world shape how we perceive them? As Tisha B’Av approaches, Robbie reflects on this interplay through Jewish rituals of mourning and our work on healthy arguments.
Are our emotions driven by external experiences, or does our internal world shape how we perceive them? As Tisha B’Av approaches, Robbie reflects on this interplay through Jewish rituals of mourning and our work on healthy arguments.
On this special night, do we engage in the most pressing disagreements between us, or do we decide to focus on family time and the Pesach story? Robbie and Abi share three thoughts and practices to keep our seders in balance this year.
On this special night, do we engage in the most pressing disagreements between us, or do we decide to focus on family time and the Pesach story? Robbie and Abi share three thoughts and practices to keep our seders in balance this year.
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